Sunday, June 6, 2010

Writing Process for Final Piece

I tried to make a lot of changes on this final draft. I interviewed a guy named Mr. Chadderdon. He used to work in the mill (for 50 years. crazy!) and is writing a book on this history of Parchment. I think his interview will be pretty valuable - hope I put good quotes and descriptions of his in the piece.

I wanted to make my friend (Mark) and I larger characters in the story. I included details about K-College so the reader would know why we were there: Mark for his photography class, me for my journalism class.

And then that brings us to audience... When I was trying to get interviews and figure out Parchment's "abandoned factory" situation, I wanted to find out for myself. As a K-College student, who lives mere miles from Parchment, I admittedly knew absolutely nothing of the city. In fact, I had no idea Parchment existed until Mark took me out there to take some photos. Consequently, I think Mark and I are members of our own audience - K-College students. I imagine this being more of an Index-type article, geared towards K-students who oftentimes have no idea of the goings-on outside the K-bubble. I added little details about myself and our class, as well as mentions of K, that I feel relate my character and Mark's character a little better. Hopefully, these details will give our characters a bit more meaning in the profile - bring it a little closer to home for K students who may be reading this.

I am a couple hundred words over the limit on this piece, however. But when I read through my adventures in the factory, the details I've gathered, and the recorded interview I dissected, it didn't feel right discarding certain portions that would've made the piece shorter. I did drop several of the factory details - the locker room scene, "Eazy-E dying from Aids." But I feel i got enough details of the factory in the piece so that the profile was informative, but not overbearing. Hopefully, you all enjoy it. Thanks for a fun quarter.

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