Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Response to Jesisca's Profile

I enjoyed Jessica's piece. I've taken several classes with Professor Barraclough, and I feel she came across fairly accurately in this profile. I do wish there was more of a physical description. Jessica gives us an idea of her outfit, but I don't know Barraclough's relative height, age, hair color.

I suppose that's alright, i get an idea of her person from the given descriptions and the quotes, but I could still use a couple more character details. I really liked the sections describing her teaching style. I can really see her personality through her interactions with her students when they haven't done the reading.

Certain other details are intriguing. For example, instead of having a boyfriend or a husband, she has a partner. I wonder about their relationship, their living arrangement, his job, etc. I'm also curious about Barraclough's home in L.A. and the racist and politically incorrect remarks of her family - how did she react to such an environment as an adolescent? Is that what led to her interest in anthropology and sociology?

I understand adding in details like this would be difficult with the word limit and everything, but there are certain details I'd really want fleshed out.

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